Origins of
Welcome to the blog site.
A place to find out the how,the why and the when for our new range of t-shirts. The thought, the power and the energy that went into 3 years of effort - from inception to now, and into the future.
For this is only the beginning for a new range of t-shirts, totally animated, totally new, totally twisted.
Now it's "Your Turn"!
So let us cast our our minds back to when came into this world. Working with Garry from Hue7 we started work on a Restaurant Booking system, realising that we wanted to actually complete an easy project we decided a t-shirt production would do the job. Oh boy, guess it's all simple when you know nothing about it.
So first the concept, using lolly sticks and paper I drew up four t-shirts showing a tank firing at a man, then created the alternative frames on the back. This then produced a video which could explain the concept immediately, people stand in a line and turn around - simple.
Check out the video to see it in action.
So there you have it. This all happened around July, 2012.
And this is what happened in October, 2015 ... the site was made live! Enjoy!
Why not visit the site a to check out the range of t-shirts on offer - visit, buy and turn!
A place to find out the how,the why and the when for our new range of t-shirts. The thought, the power and the energy that went into 3 years of effort - from inception to now, and into the future.
For this is only the beginning for a new range of t-shirts, totally animated, totally new, totally twisted.
Now it's "Your Turn"!
So let us cast our our minds back to when came into this world. Working with Garry from Hue7 we started work on a Restaurant Booking system, realising that we wanted to actually complete an easy project we decided a t-shirt production would do the job. Oh boy, guess it's all simple when you know nothing about it.
So first the concept, using lolly sticks and paper I drew up four t-shirts showing a tank firing at a man, then created the alternative frames on the back. This then produced a video which could explain the concept immediately, people stand in a line and turn around - simple.
Check out the video to see it in action.
So there you have it. This all happened around July, 2012.
And this is what happened in October, 2015 ... the site was made live! Enjoy!
Why not visit the site a to check out the range of t-shirts on offer - visit, buy and turn!
Hey Gringo, add your name on the back! |
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